The Six Figure Mom

Sales Funnels & Buyer Psychology with Stefanie Gass

April 30, 2019 Erin E Hooley Season 1 Episode 5
The Six Figure Mom
Sales Funnels & Buyer Psychology with Stefanie Gass
Show Notes Transcript

Join special guest Stefanie Gass, host of the Mompreneur Mastermind Podcast, as she breaks down sales funnels and buyer psychology in a way that will leave you wondering why those terms ever made your head spin!

Whether you're selling a product or service, you can utilize these 11 simple steps to gain momentum and take your marketing efforts to the next level.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the conquering chaos podcast. I'm your host Aaron, he Hooli, president and founder of multimillion dollar ecommerce children's clothing line, Bailey's blossoms. So what turns out I'm pretty good at business, but what really lights my soul on fire is providing other entrepreneurs and mompreneurs with the tools they need to truly succeed. So if you have a business or have one on your heart, you're in good company. Pull up a chair or dropping some earbuds and let's conquer some chaos today.

Speaker 2:

All right guys. Today I am so excited to have Stephanie Gas. She is the host and creator of the mom prayer mastermind show podcast and podcast pro university. She is empowering women like a boss through faith based business and balance mentorship to step into their potential and claim the success and happiness that they deserve. She is a woman after my own heart and believes that we can profit from our passions, live proactively in design, a life that fuels our soul and believes that we can actually have at all. Stephanie, thank you so much for joining me here today for welcome. I am so excited to be here. Aaron is great to have you. First, I would love to know, have you share a little bit about your story in how you became passionate about what you do? Absolutely. So my entrepreneurship journey started back when I was probably 16 I started out as a makeup artist, believe it or not, I was taken my little trunk with me and I would do people's makeup for their weddings and I was like, it's just some cash. Anyway, within a couple of years that business was, it was blowing up to the point where I'm like, I, I'm actually going to college, so I've got to step away from this. So entrepreneurship was always a big piece of my heart, but like so many of us had been instilled in me, you're going to school girl. So went to school, got my master's in finance and accounting and jumped into corporate. I figured, hey, this is stable. I had no dreams of getting married and having kids yet. So jump into this corporate career and quickly climbed the ladder. I'm a just crazy driven. I've always been that way. I'm on a much Cheever. Anything I set my mind to, I'm going to go for it. By the age of 27 I was making over six figures in this, in this corporate world. I was the youngest financial controller in the company and it was great for awhile until I wanted to get married and have kids. And that started to happen. Around 27 28 I got engaged and, and something was tugging at my heart. I was working endless hours and my mom actually came to me and said, hey, I'm joining this network marketing company. You should do it with me. And I think it's interesting that, you know, God will always show up and provide us what we need. At the time, that was my first thing that I needed to start transitioning into becoming an entrepreneur again. So I jumped into network marketing again, full speed ahead, right? Within two years, I had hit the top of the company, top 1% I was having$17,000 months walking the stage. I had a$50,000 bonus check and wow paid for cars and the trips. And at that time, my s my worth was tied up in how much money can I make? What rank can I achieve? That's what equals worth. Your work was your identity. It was everything. Everything to the detriment of everything around me. I was, you know, I'd gained 60 pounds by my second child. I all I cared about was success in this company. All I, that's all I thought about Aaron. I mean, it was really damaging. And I had, interestingly, again, I believe that it was divine intervention to realign me with my true passion and calling on my heart. And so my business started to crumble and it was so hard because my whole, my whole worth was there. And so it just knocked me to my knees and I'm struggling and I'm working 60 hours a week to rebuild it. And, and finally I'm like, I'm just going to stop because maybe this isn't the answer right now. And so I just decided to step away and stop trying to control everything. It was a really scary decision. And I took a year and I said, I'm realigning. I got back really, really focused on my faith and my spirituality started to come first again. And money was bleeding at this point because the business was going and we had raised their lifestyle up to this level. Right. And so I got back in the gym, I put my health first, I started to take a couple hours a day to really pour into my kids. And it felt so good, that piece of it. And the reckoning came when one month my husband, I looked at my husband, I said, we can't pay the bills. You know, there, there's no money to be gay and left the well's dry. Yeah. And he's like, well, how much is in mile savings account? Our son, that was it. It was like, Oh man, you know, what are we going to do? And that's when I just said, God, show me. Like I finally gave in, I just fully sacrificed and I said, I don't know what's next, but I'm gonna, I'm gonna just take the step. Because I know in my heart, and I actually took the last$200 that were in my paypal account. And I hired a mentor for a 45 minute sessions and said, freaking shake me. Like, what should I do? Because I don't want to do network marketing again. I feel like I'm forced to do that because it's all I know. I don't want to go back to work. I don't want to exchange time for money. I don't want to be an accountant. You know, what do I need to, and I also have this call to do something. And this mentor said, well, just tell me what you loved about being a network marketer. And it was like the most simple conversation, Aaron, but the most life changing. And I said, well, I love empowering women. I love to see them have success when they didn't believe in themselves and actually start paying for some bills or have the money to go to the movies or you know, figure out that they can write. And I love public speaking and I love motivating and I love being on stage and speaking and, and they're like, why don't you just be a coach? Oh, can I do that? Can I do this? I'm like, Whoa, you know? And so I got so excited and I'm like, maybe that's it. Okay. And I again didn't know how do I do it? I don't know what's next. Don't know. How do I get a client, what am I going to coach on? I feel like a fraud. I feel like all the things that you'll like, you shouldn't. Right. But I just said, okay, I'm just going to do this. And within that same week, and that client appeared and said, Hey Steph, do you could have two by the way, I've been following you for awhile. You're super motivating. Inspiring. Can we work together? And that's how awesome. Yeah. My, my coaching brand was born and it's, gosh, it's evolved. I started coaching network marketers, teaching them how, cause that's what I knew. Teach them how to use attraction marketing and authentic marketing. And then I started to feel like, okay, I can help more people here. It's not just network marketers, it's women in general. It's people that have a dream and a call on their heart and they can do anything. And, and I'm, I'm pretty versatile. I can teach them how to online market, how to conquer. You're living proof of that struggle. I am. And I had to go through that struggle so I could speak to it. And so here I am, you know, it's been two years of shifting into this. I'm now an educator for female entrepreneurs. I run a podcast. I, um, I do coaching with women. I have lots of courses to help women figure out their branding and their mission and then online market so that they can be profitable in a passive way using ebooks and courses and podcasting. And I'm so lit up about it and I love it so much and I just feel just more fulfilled than ever. So that's kind of my story. I love it so much. You know, isn't it amazing to see that evolution of figuring out what it is, what's that next step? And even I love that your mentor pose it to you in such simplistic questions. Cause I think some of the most profound answers we received come through the most simple ways and the, the ability to hear them is so key. What was the first step that you took to turn it into motion? Okay, so this is where it gets real good. Um, you know, we, we don't know, right? So we don't know, but it's, it's taken step. And so I thought, okay, I'll start a blog. And I sat on my couch. I just had a c section. I actually almost died with both of my sons. Gosh. So I'm like basically on bed rest at this point, beat up in the air, like have a baby on the boob and walk. Cause why not? Why not? And so starting this blog and I, I was Kinda doing lifestyle blogging because I thought that's what everybody's doing, right? And I was, I was definitely off. I was off, but I started there. Well, the blog did start to gain traction, but I figured, okay, wait, wait, wait. I'm not passionate about making cookies. Why am I talking about this? I'm passionate about online business. I'm going to start a youtube channel. So then I shifted and I still have the blog because you could post the content from the, the videos over there. But I started to pivot and I'm like, okay, no, no, it's the youtube channel. It's the online marketing. So I started to do that. Well girlfriend, that didn't work cause I got two babies over here. I'm a hot mess. I got boogers on my face and I'm trying to do a video like this. This isn't my crawling real man. So then I shifted again and I thought, okay, no, it's social media, it's Facebook lives and it's video. And that's where it all began. And so that's where I started to realize, no, no, people just want to hear from me authentically. And those videos paired with, I created some courses because I knew it has to be passive. Don't want to meet with people one on one all day long, nor is that realistic. So I created courses based on the feedback I was getting from the lives. And that feedback was Stephanie. I don't know how to market. I feel like a fraud. I don't know how to sell. How do I market without being salesy? Those are the first courses I created and they started to sell a lot. Oh that's so awesome. That constant testing and learning, and we were talking about this previously about just the difference between an entrepreneur who succeeds in entrepreneurial fails and those who succeed are the ones who don't let failure be the end of the road and who they see it as, that that fork in the road where it's just time to turn. It's just time to pivot. If you take it as an opportunity to learn and then you continue forward. And I love that that was part of your process. You know, Erin, I think that's key because it's almost like if you see a pa, you know, this pivotal point in your, in your business happening or a dark season instead of looking at like, oh no, like what's happening to me, I think it's almost like, Ooh, something big is about to happen to me. Yes, right. Like it's almost that I almost look forward to the next big challenge because I know that means growth every time on the skirt. Tales of the biggest challenges comes the biggest propensity for growth every single time. And so I think you're totally right. Once you start to learn that you start to trust those challenges because you know what's on the other side. For those of you who are coming up on your first big challenge, don't let that be a deterrent. Don't let that scare you. Don't let that stop you because coming from two women who know what's on the other side, it is worth it to keep going. It is so worth it. You've got some great experience when it comes to understanding the sales funnel and the buyer psychology. I'd love to understand from your perspective what is by our psychology and why does it matter. Absolutely. That's so such a great question. People get all fancy here. Okay. They think, okay, a sales funnel, so I got to create something super fancy and put together an expensive and then if somebody sees my Facebook ad 30 million times, then they're going to buy it like no overcomplicate. It's so over complicated and also I want you to think about, think about your best friend. Okay? I want you to think about who is the person that you are impacting today? Who is she like? I actually give mine a name. Her name is Lola. She's got two kids. She is trying to run this online business, but she's struggling because she's got a fulltime job. She doesn't understand online marketing. She drinks too much coffee. She likes wine once in a while, you know like get Lola because I am Lola. Right, right. And so when I get her I can, I can then instead of looking at buyer's psychology as some fancy scientific thing, I have to look at Lola and say, I have to put myself in her shoes. You have to understand her and know, ask yourself, what does Loyola need today to better her situation and her life. And I can, I can say, what are these triggers that are surrounding the Lola. Okay. Organization and she's struggling with time management. She doesn't understand online marketing. I now to get to Lola, it's not here's a product, Lola, here's your organizational course. No. Hey Lola. Like take my hand. I'm going to walk you through the solutions that you need and I'm going to do it for free. I'm going to pour into you so hardcore that when you think of actually spending money to fix these problems, the only person that you think about is me. You would never work with someone else because those other people haven't poured into you and they don't understand you like I do. So buyer's psychology starts with understanding your Avatar to the deepest capacity of your heart. And then secondly, it's you always lead with free. You always give and give and give your best stuff. Stop living in this scarcity mindset of, well, I'm only going to give them one tip and then hopefully Mary is going to buy those things for the other nine. Doesn't work that way, right? Like buyer's psychology service. And that's what I'm hearing is about how can I see a problem? I have a solution. How can I serve this person through that product or a service? What can I do to make that problem go away? Yes. Better. Yes. And that can be through a blog. It can be through video. I believe personally, the number one platform today is podcasting. I actually have a podcast course because I believe so strongly that audio is the new video and that people want to consume while they do cooking, driving. And so it's sharing your message in one of those ways or all three of those ways. If you repurpose your content and you're speaking to Lola over and over and over, and that's how Lola trusts you and that's how the funnel starts. Yes. I love that you said that too, because that's how I listened to podcasts. If I'm doing the dishes or if I'm folding laundry, I can get really antsy thinking of all the other things that I could be doing. But if I'm doing the dishes or doing laundry, listening to something that's helping expand my mind either personally or professionally, then all of a sudden I'm not wasting my time doing those things. And so there's so many ways that we can, whether you're putting your makeup on in the morning, taking a shower, I'm constantly listening to ways that I can better myself and improve. So I love that you touched on that. That's great. So what exactly is a sales funnel for those who aren't familiar with it and can you break it down into a process for those who might need to create one? Absolutely, and I think any and everyone today that runs an online business, you need a sales funnel and don't let that freak you out because I'm going to show you, take you through some steps that can make this easier conceptually for you. So a sales funnel is simply taking that, taking Lola as she enters the trust and she starts to listen to you or to read your stuff and she's dabbling, she's following you on social, right it starting with the valuable content, that step one and then it's taking them through different touch points and different levels of trust to ultimately get them to purchase something. Work with you with some capacity. And here's where I want. If you're a woman listening, I'm talking to you for a minute. If you're going, Ooh, but I can't sell Lola, she's my friend. Listen, you are literally doing Lola a disservice if you don't sell her the thing that you've created that's pouring out of your heart in that you're passionate about that can help change her life. And if you don't believe that your product is that thing, create something new, realign, get in tune with a different company, a different product because you know Lola so much you can create something for her. Okay, so let me take you through the steps. So step one is starting with the content. We already talked about this, right? And you're going to do the content over and over and over consistently. And I think for me the best way is a podcast, cause I have to show up and speak to Lola twice a week. She's used to me now, right? She's like, she's like I'm like you. She is. Yes. And the second thing you're gonna do is you're going to create a call to action within your free content. And so all this is you guys is you're offering something a little extra for Lola to give you her email address. Okay? Cause you own the email address. And I make more money from my email list, then I make on Instagram, on Facebook. That stuff is the touch point. That is not where you push people. No cause you have no ownership over what happens next, how many people you can reach having ownership of that email address. And another thing I want to throw out too, she's suddenly, we just started doing is SMS marketing text messages. It's the same thing but a higher open rate too. So both of those things, you own it, you can reach them at a better level and on your terms. I love it. And I'll take you through an example in a minute. So then you're, you're basically saying, okay, let's say that we're talking to Lola. You guys are familiar with as example. She's struggling with growing her per brand or platform. Nobody's following lowly yet. You know, she's kind of like, I have this passion. I want to market, you know, um, let's say she wants to market nutritional living for, for families. How does she do it online? Well, I would say, Hey Lola, you know, why don't say a little on my podcast? I'm like, hey girl, and listen a minute. You know, today we're talking about growing your platform. If you want my checklist of the first five ways to grow your platform in your first 90 days as a business owner, I want you to go and opt in. Here's the link and I'm going to send it to you right now. Okay, so now Lola's going well, I already like stuff, I trust her. I'm going to go to the link that she told me to go to and I'm going to give her my email address and she's going to send me something that can help me. Okay, next step. This is something that many people do not use, but it's the first sale that you can actually make, and this is called the thank you page upsell. So when Lola Zinn says, Ooh, Steph, I want that checklist, and she gives me her email address, the thank you page pops up and it says, Lola, guess what? I got a mini class for you on growing your following. Let's say it's 45 minutes, maybe it costs$37 or something like that and Bola goes, boom, she is now already a consumer, which then raises the probability that Lola is going to buy from me again in a big way because Lola's going to see how much you value, I'm going to give her. So you guys can do that with a simple ebook. You could charge like seven bucks for an Ebook, you could do a checklist. There's limitless options for you to upsell people at that point, right? And it's not upselling, it's giving Lola's something that truly can help her. I want you to get away from thinking that sales are bad. Okay? Number four, you then need to automate your process. There is no reason sister friends should be writing and drafting emails to every human being. Okay, please, please, please no save, Yo sell. So I want you to go in and you can go to MailChimp for free and start an email list. Okay? Um, that's great. That's where I started and it was fine. So you start that an email list. I now use get response cause it has a lot more of what I need in there. But whatever you use, create a simple little nurture series for Lola sneaker through an experience with you. And instead of selling Lola and pushing things on her, tell stories. I want you to draw in and say, Lola, Lola, listen, I remember the day that I sat in front of my computer and I looked at my 50 followers on Instagram and I had a dream in my heart, but I had no idea how to grow this following. And so I just started struggling. I started creating hashtags and I started showing up on video and nobody was watching me and I felt like a failure. I felt like a fraud. And so you're going to storytell so that Lola understands that you understand Lola. Okay, love and take her through this. And maybe you start with four emails and they send every, every two days. Okay? Um, that's what you're going to do. And that's going to nurture that series with Lola. So then, okay, you're like, okay, well that's fine, but how am I then getting her through the whole process? We'll step five is to use simple call to actions inside of each of those emails, right? And that could be a simple, a simple link. Like for example, Lola then has opted into my stuff. She's bought the mini course, let's say, or the mini class. And I've sent her two emails. And in the bottom of that second email it says, Hey Lola, did you know that I have a strategy mastermind group for building a following, using podcasting or using live video? Like whatever I have to offer her. Maybe I have a membership group and we practice live in and I say, click here for details or click here for a call with staff or click here. And so Lola's starting to like, Ooh, she has something else. I loved her first product. You know, so you guys use the nurture but don't sell in the nurture your storytelling cell at the bottom with a simple call to action that doesn't feel like a cell. Right. Okay. Love it. Yeah. And then number six, you've got to set up some landing pages because people are gonna say, oh, Steph has this really cool mastermind group and it teaches us how to podcast to grow our following. I need more. While you don't want to have to meet with every human being that's interested in your stuff, right? We've got an odd to mate. So create a simple landing page and you can do it. Mail chimp has it in there for free. My email software have that in mind for for free. It's included in the price. You can do any of the landing page software. Okay? And then again, you're creating the user experience. I use video on my landing pages because they, they're used to my voice. That's a great idea. Trustworthy video is going to always help you sell more. So I get on there on video, I'm like, Hi Lola, you know I look like a mess. She's used to me. She gets me right? And the thing to hear that's so important you guys is when you show up on video or you create the text for the landing pages and you're actually ready to tell Lola about something, you're selling her, stop getting timid. Here's what I believe is going to grow you faster than ever and you right? Because I'm going to help you. And so you have to believe in yourself and your product so much that Lola can't say no to that because it will truly change her life. And it takes away that degree of fear too. Because I think that fear always comes from when we're self focused and we're saying, oh, I don't want to be rejected. I don't want someone not to like me. I don't want someone to disapprove of the way that I'm delivering or what I say. And all of these things where we kind of that self sabotaging psycho again or we just, we put our own selves down to the degree that we literally end up walking ourselves into a room like this timid little[inaudible] qualified mouse. Whenever reality people don't need our fear. People need our confidence and they need our experience and they need, whether it's a product or a service, if you believe in what you're selling, you sell it with confidence because you created it for a reason. You're doing it for a reason and it doesn't matter if Lola or whoever doesn't believe in it. If you believe in it, the people around you will start to believe in it as well. Amen. And two, I think that you start attracting the people with the, if you're going to show up and like you're showing up. Yes. And you're excited and you're energetic and you believe in your product, the people that are going to be led to actually purchase the product are the people that are going to take action with your product and have success. And success breeds success. And you know, one of the things I keep thinking about here is the concept of people don't want to do business with businesses. They want to do business with people. I've got something that can serve you. You've got something that you need and we're connecting in a real, authentic and genuine way, then that takes all that slimy salesman stuff out of the equation completely because you genuinely have Lola's best interest at heart and she feels that it's all about just showing up in a genuine, authentic way to say, you know what, I'm doing something that I think can make your life better. Amen. Yes. Yes. So the beauty here is we have gotten Lola through drip emails. Lola is opted into our list now or our messenger Bot or SMS text and Molas here and we know she's interested cause we have the list telling us. Lola's opted in and she's interested in now your product. So now what am I going to do? So I make me send Lola and email or a Facebook message or something and say, hey girl, I noticed you've been checking out the membership group. Let's have a quick chat. And so that at that point you take it into a nurture and the nurture can be automated or it can be you in the beginning touching them. Do you have questions? Do you have concerns? I know this is a big investment. I've been there, solve her problems. So then the next step is to test and to use automation and to get people's feedback. Stopping afraid of that because I want to know what are my perceived weaknesses? Am I priced out of their comfort zone like I started hearing from them, we'll, your checkout was ridiculous. Like I don't have five minutes to check out. Oh, make it easy so that I invested in some better checkout software and my conversions went up 50% so it's maybe something if there's one little tweak in your process that you can fix. The last step for you in this sales funnel strategy I'm giving you is that your customers are everything. So when Lola bought that first product, remember she bought that little class right there. She's going to get highlighted in my customer management system and I'm going to highlight her and I'm going to love her. I'm going to start sending her my podcast episodes every week with my, I share my heart and my story every week in there and I get her to know me at a deeper level because Lola, when someone buys from you once, they almost always buy for me again. And the people spending the most money with me on private coaching packages, they started here with a$37 product. It's not someone that came in the funnel and said, I'm going to buy a$2,000 this, right? No, no, no. They started down here. And so you've got a nurture. They grew to that. They grew and they grew with you. They got to know you and maybe it takes a year for them to spend real money with you. So stop giving up on all, I made a$9 sale. Have a nice day. Bye. No, no, no. That$9 sale could compound and turn into$10,000 five years from now, from one person. Absolutely. I love it. And you know, it's, it's fun. It's even taking it a step before a sale happens at all. If you have yet to make a single sale and somebody comments on something somebody engages with you, take the time to send them a personal message and say, thank you so much. I appreciate your support. What more would you like to see? What questions do you have? What, what could I do that would help to make your path, your journey or life, your whatever, just a little bit better. And I'll tell you what that is how you turn somebody from being a customer to a fan or becoming a customer at all. You engage with them to a degree that helps them understand you're not a number to me, you're so much more than that. And I genuinely care about your success journey. I genuinely can care about you and I need you to know that so that at some point if you ever feel like I can serve you better to a greater degree, that you trust me to give me that opportunity to do so. So let's break down those steps one last time. Give them all to me as bullet points you get. Everybody can just remember and take those notes. Absolutely. So number one, valuable content. Number two is give them something a little extra in exchange for the email address, the omnium. Okay. Number three, uh, thank you. Upsell, start making money at the beginning of your process. Number four, create a simple email nurture series. Number five, use links and simple casual call to ask action mentions. Within each of those email series. Number six, you are going to set up some landing pages. That way you can automate the sales process. And then number seven, use video. Any video to me creates more humanization than text, right? Yes. And so number eight, now you know who's actually interested. So number eight, follow up and create that level of maybe a conversation, maybe a voice, texts. Maybe you've got something else automated to get them to know you better, but you don't just give up on people when they're this far along in the funnel. This is when you actually get them on the phone, get them on a 10 minute consult call and help solve a problem on the call and then they're really going to want to work with you. Number nine is focus on the customers who has spent money with you because those people are 50% more inclined to spend money with you. Again, send them a thank you card, send them a gift, send them a voice text on Instagram, be front of mind like their stuff. Ask them for their feedback. Hey girl, what do you think about this new product? Or Hey, do you have any ideas on what I should include in my new course? Get them involved, do something fun for them. Sometimes I'll do a special offer just for my previous customers. Number 10 is to use automation as much as possible and to test your process, dig in, understand your analytics and that's actually step 11 which is test, test, and then keep testing to figure out where are you losing money and how can we streamline your process all about testing and learning. I love it though, so much gold in there. Thank you so much Stephanie. This has been absolutely fantastic. Such a treat to have you on here and sharing your wisdom with us. You know, before I let you go, I had one question I want to ask that. As I mentioned before, I love speaking to fellow mompreneurs for really just killing it and taken their life and saying, you know what? I can have it all. I have the stream and I'm going to bring it to fruition. Can you share one of your secrets to conquering your chaos and how you do it so well? Absolutely. So here's the secret. This is literally the secret to your entire life. Okay? It's to figure out what balance means to you. What are the categories to you that light your soul on fire? So for me, it's spirituality. First, second, it's family. Third, it's my health and forth. It's my business in that order. And so what I do is I wake up every single morning. I write in my five year journal, my intention for the day. I write in there, what am I focusing on for today? And sometimes it's business heavy and then maybe the next day it's a field trip with my son to the zoo. So what is my intention? I then am proactive, not reactive. None of my apps send me an alert, not even my email because until I decide to get into that email inbox until I decide to get into Instagram to comment back to people, it's not going to tell me that it's there waiting for me. Mm. And so you own the free slots in your day and I don't care who you are and how many businesses you run and if you have the full time job, you are still in charge of your life. Take control and write it down every day and say, my life is non negotiable. I am not going to be reactive all day and then look back and say, well I ignored my kids all day cause I was in the inbox or ignored my business all day because I had too many dishes. Right. You own your day. I love it. I love that so much. My phone is on silent all the time because I hate the dings and I hate all that. I'm just going to go in and and turn the notifications off. That's genius. Yeah. Taken that one. And I even delete, I even delete the apps. Aaron. I'm on weekends. I try to delete the apps completely cause I'm like, there's no reason. That's awesome that I have to, that I have to be present on social media. Like yes. Oh so smart. It actually, it's funny, I just did a podcast on burnout versus balance and it was all about just this, it's less about having equal time slots for every aspect of your life and more about your ability to be present within every aspect of your life. So that, that's gold. I love it so much. Thank you so much again for taking the time to be here with us today. You are a gem and just my soul sister in so many ways. It has been an absolute pleasure. For those of you who want to find more of Stephanie, Stephanie, where can everybody find you at? Absolutely. And thank you Aaron for having me on. I just feel like it's been such a blessing to speak with you today and we had so much fun and um, you know, I'm excited for where you're going to. Thank you. All right peeps, so if you want to hang out with me, come find me on social. My handle is at Stephanie Gas and that Stephanie with anF and I think the best place to get all of the freebies. I have so many free trainings, S tephanie awesome. Thank you so much, Stephanie. Thank you guys

Speaker 1:

for listening and we'll see you next week. Thanks, Erin. Thank you for taking the time to connect with me here on the conquering chaos podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, will you please take a moment to leave a review? It's the fuel to my fire and lets me know that my efforts to net change and broaden your perspective of what's possible matter. Thank you so much for your support. If you want more content like this, don't forget to subscribe and connect with me on social media at Aaron equally or at Aaron equally. Dot Com. Have a fantastic day. Get out there and conquer some chaos.